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How To Distinguish Real Fur

How To Distinguish Real Fur

The harsh Russian winters are very difficult to survive without warm clothes made from natural fur. Such products are usually very expensive, so the risk of buying a fake is quite high. To distinguish real fur, you need to know several selection rules

How To Choose A Massager With Belts For Weight Loss

How To Choose A Massager With Belts For Weight Loss

Today, belt massagers have gained widespread popularity due to the huge number of people who want to lose weight without much effort. Massager manufacturers promise to prevent cellulite, improve problem skin and get rid of fat easily and effectively

What Colors Go Well With Red?

What Colors Go Well With Red?

Red is the most daring, spectacular and incredibly complex color. He is always the soloist in the ensemble, which means that you need to correctly select other shades for him. Otherwise, you can get a palette that is too bright and defiant, which will be out of place both in the wardrobe and in the interior

How To Determine The Naturalness Of Stones

How To Determine The Naturalness Of Stones

Buying products made of stones, you run the risk of becoming a victim of scammers. Enterprising people have been forging stones for centuries, offering their customers cheap fakes under the guise of unique and very expensive pieces. Instructions Step 1 Be sure to ask the seller for certificates and ask where they bring their goods from

How To Choose A Wallet

How To Choose A Wallet

A wallet is a "home" for money. To make them comfortable and want to visit this place more often, it is necessary to choose a wallet, guided by the principles of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. Then your money will not only be saved, but also multiplied

How To Find Out Your Hand Size

How To Find Out Your Hand Size

Hand size is important to know when buying gloves. Many people get lost buying them, for example, as a gift to family and friends. Here it is impossible to navigate by the height or age of a person, because the hands can be more plump or thinner, regardless of other sizes of a person

How To Make A Mechanical Watch

How To Make A Mechanical Watch

Mechanical watches have a rather complex mechanism. The simplest ones consist of six main units: an engine, a transmission mechanism of gears, a regulator, a distributor, a pointer mechanism, and a watch winding mechanism. To make a mechanical watch yourself, you will need knowledge of mechanics and the ability to calculate the gear ratio of gears and shafts

How Watches Are Made

How Watches Are Made

An ordinary wristwatch is a very complex mechanism, but no one usually thinks about it, since watches are perceived as something very ordinary. Watchmaking is a laborious process that requires high precision. Instructions Step 1 At the first stage of watch production, parts are cut out on a press, after which gear milling of the cut parts occurs (teeth are formed at the gears), this is necessary to ensure the interaction of individual parts of the mechanism

What Does A Ruby gem Look Like?

What Does A Ruby gem Look Like?

Natural rubies are considered the most expensive gemstones in the world. Perfect quality Burmese rubies cost significantly more than diamonds of similar weight and quality. More expensive than diamonds The point is that large-sized perfect rubies are extremely rare in nature

How To Check An Emerald

How To Check An Emerald

Each gem has its own story. For the first time they started talking about emerald in Ancient Egypt in the III millennium BC. The transparent, green stone was considered a symbol of youth, love and beauty. Distinguishing a natural emerald from an artificial one is quite difficult, but if the need arises, there are several ways to do it

How To Determine The Quality Of Gold

How To Determine The Quality Of Gold

Some people arrogantly call gold a despicable metal, or associate it with the idolized golden calf worshiped by the pagans. Although they probably have gold jewelry. For family people, these are wedding rings. Young people prefer small rings, earrings, chains, pendants

How To Make Rabbit Skins

How To Make Rabbit Skins

Often, rabbit breeders try to make rabbit skins on their own at home, despite the complexity of the process. There are many recipes and methods for this purpose. Whichever of them you prefer, in each case it will consist of the stages of soaking, fleshing, pickling, tanning and fattening

What Is Colombian Tie

What Is Colombian Tie

It just so happened that human life for a long time was not of great value to others. Moreover, very often not even life, but, on the contrary, death becomes entertainment for the public. Why other people's suffering, pain or death attracts such a huge number of onlookers, even modern psychiatry cannot really explain

Who Is Saker Falcon

Who Is Saker Falcon

The Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) is a bird of prey in the falcon family. The large falcon belongs to a nomadic species and only in exceptional cases leads a sedentary lifestyle, occupying abandoned nests. Saker Falcon reaches 60 centimeters in length, its weight can exceed 1200 grams, the size of the wings in a span of more than 1 meter

How Railway Sleepers Are Impregnated

How Railway Sleepers Are Impregnated

In the Russian Federation, on the basis of GOST 78-2004, before laying the sleepers on the railway, they are impregnated with a special compound. The processing process has existed for many years and is carried out under strict control. After all, their service life and reliability depend on what the sleepers are impregnated with

What Is Super Moon

What Is Super Moon

As you know, the Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. The interest of people in the nearest space neighbor is quite understandable. The overwhelming majority of earthlings know from childhood such concepts as new moon and full moon

Why You Need To Protect Minerals

Why You Need To Protect Minerals

For a long time man has been using a wide variety of mineral formations called minerals. A significant part of them is located in the upper layers of the earth's crust and even on its surface. Since most of the mineral resources are non-renewable, mankind has to take measures to save them

What Is More Harmful: A Solarium Or The Sun?

What Is More Harmful: A Solarium Or The Sun?

"The solarium is harmful," doctors say. "The sun too", - lovers of artificial tanning answer them. And a beautiful golden hue, which rarely leaves anyone indifferent, turns out in a tanning salon better, faster and smoother

How To Choose A Massage Chair

How To Choose A Massage Chair

Advanced technologies are increasingly being used in everyday life. With the purchase of a special chair, it became possible to carry out massage at home. For this procedure to be effective, a massage chair must be functional, comfortable and affordable

How To Make A Massage Table

How To Make A Massage Table

The massage table is very helpful. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner massage therapist or someone in your family is simply fond of massage. The most important thing is that anyone can make it, having a small set of tools and simple skills in working with wood