Forest As A Natural Environment

Forest As A Natural Environment
Forest As A Natural Environment

Forests are among the most important natural communities on Earth. Trees produce oxygen and absorb excess carbon dioxide, thereby sustaining life on the planet.

The forest is a rich storehouse of nature (photo taken from the Morguefile website)
The forest is a rich storehouse of nature (photo taken from the Morguefile website)

Forests belong to natural communities and are the habitat and habitat of many species of plants and animals. The whole forest exists in balance and harmony, obeying the rules that have been formed over the centuries.

Forest communities include: trees, shrubs, herbs and berries with mushrooms. The large and nourishing green house is home to bears, wolves, foxes and many small animals. Herbivorous species in the forests are moose, roe deer, squirrels and hares.

The rest of the forest community subsists on feeding the stronger species on the weak. Birds feed on insects, small predators feed on birds, and large predatory animals feed on them, in turn.

In this way, natural selection, a cruel but necessary law of evolution, is carried out in the wild. Recently, man began to interfere with natural processes by his economic activity.

Deforestation is essential for people to live. The wood is used to make houses and furniture, heat homes, and make paper. Unfortunately, wood harvesting often causes irreparable damage to nature. The forests also gather wild mushrooms, berries and herbs, hunters hunt and tourists rest.

Due to unreasonable use, the natural "lungs" of our planet over the past hundred years have come to the brink of disaster. Many animals and herbs now exist only in memories or are on the verge of extinction. An example is the Amur tiger, protected by the Russian state from poachers.

Only a small amount of the Earth's forest areas remains an untouched resource. The planet's wealth needs constant protection. Today the forests of Russia are considered a national treasure, they are protected by the state from illegal logging and fires.

There are forestry and hunting farms that fight poachers and careless tourists. Forests are considered renewable natural resources, although it takes 15-20 years to grow one tree instead of a sawn tree. Almost a quarter of the world's forest reserves are located in Russia - over 800,000 hectares.

The main forest storerooms are located in Siberia and the Far East. Coniferous, pine, birch and mixed forests grow on the territory of Russia. The most beautiful taiga massifs are the wealth of Russia and the habitat that has preserved the places where no man's foot has yet set foot.
